Les 21ièmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA 2019) auront lieu à Bruxelles, du 13 au 15 novembre 2019. Il s'agit du rendez-vous annuel de la communauté francophone de la théorie des graphes et de ses applications.
In a fractional coloring, vertices of a graph are assigned subsets of the [0, 1]-interval such that adjacent vertices receive disjoint subsets. The fractional chromatic number of a graph is at most k if it admits a fractional coloring in which the amount of "color" assigned to each vertex is at least 1/k. We investigate fractional colorings where vertices "demand" different amounts of color, determined by local parameters such as the degree of a vertex.
Tomorrow Sam will tell us how to compute a maximum independent set in a graph embedded in a fixed surface if there are not many disjoint odd cycles in the graph. Note the unusual room: NO8.202 ("petit séminaire"), because of exams taking place in the other rooms.